All paintings are oil on canvas, except where indicated otherwise.
A First Painting, 1955/56
24 x 33 cm
oil on canvas on cardboard
Slum, 1984
40 x 50 cm
Bottles, 1998
50 x 130 cm
Experiment, 1999
90 x 90 cm
Stendhal, 2003
90 x 100 cm
The Tie of Hector, 2003
100 x 100 cm
Anomaly, 2003
80 x 120 cm
Series ‘6 Compositions’, 2010
All paintings 8 x 8 cm, oil on Steinbach paper
Series ‘Twin Towers’, 2012
40 x 40 cm
40 x 40 cm
100 x 70 cm
60 x 160 cm
Eyes Closed, 2013
70 x 110 cm
Mr. Schoonbrodt, 2013
120 x 120 cm
The Carnival of Appelterre, 2013
100 x 100 cm
The Day of the Dead, 2013
150 x 100 cm
Roland Garros, 2015
120 x 120 cm
Wimbledon, 2015
120 x 120 cm
Series ‘Stations of the Cross’, 2016
All paintings 40 x 40 cm
Series ’12 Compositions’, 2018
15 x 20 cm
15 x 20 cm
15 x 20 cm
15 x 25 cm
15 x 20 cm
25 x 30 cm
25 x 30 cm
30 x 40 cm
25 x 30 cm
30 x 35 cm
12 x 16 cm
15 x 20 cm
Series ‘Four Seasons’, 2018
All paintings 130 x 130 cm
The Nightfall, 2018
120 x 150 cm
The Countryside, 2018
120 x 150 cm
Intermission, 2018
120 x 150 cm
Countryside, 2019
Three paintings, 6 x 8 cm, oil on carton
Countryside, 2019
Three paintings, 6 x 12 cm, oil on carton
Series ’12 Seascapes’, 2021
All paintings 14 x 14 cm, pastel
Series ‘Participation’, 2021
You are part of the painting. You find yourself behind the people.
50 x 60 cm
50 x 60 cm
49 x 58 cm
40 x 40 cm
60 x 70 cm
60 x 70 cm
49 x 68 cm
42 x 56 cm
100 x 100 cm
79 x 124 cm
Series ‘De Afspraak’, 2021
Composition 1
100 x 130 cm
Composition 2
79 x 124 cm
Composition 3
79 x 124 cm