Sources of Inspiration

Carl de Coninck paints in a non-figurative way and draws his inspiration from daily observations of objects, events, and especially colours and shapes. A good example of such work is “The Carnival of Appelterre” (a composition of several canvases attached to each other). At a carnival party in the kindergarten of his grandchildren, the falling confetti, of all colours – purple, beige, black, pink, dark blue, – riveted Carl’s attention and gave inspiration to the painting. Another example is “The Tie of Hector”. Hector, a former colleague at work, regularly wore a particular tie that caught his eye and inspired the similarly named painting.

Naming an abstract work is not so self-evident, so quite often Carl’s paintings appear under “No Title” or “Composition”. Original impression or memory is what truly matters to him. At the same time, by avoiding suggestive titles, Carl leaves room for one’s own interpretation. Poliakoff’s words: “Above all, try not to explain your painting. Leave to the other the right to exercise his imagination ”* are perhaps best suited to describe Carl’s approach to his art.

* Rétrospective Serge Poliakoff 1991, Galerie Melki, p. 92.

The Carnival of Appelterre, 2013